Your Success is Our Business Total Run Time: 4 minutes Video Description 7-9-19 Fade up Music Fade up Aerial shot of Florida Realtors headquarters building. Dissolve up Florida Realtors Logo. Dissolve to Margy Grant, Florida Realtors CEO in video studio. Margy Grant: I’m Margy Grant. Chief executive Officer for Florida Realtors. For more than 100 years, your state association has operated with a clearly defined, fiercely adhered to belief. Your success is our business. Fade up high end, Florida home with on screen graphics to match statistics spoken by Voice Over. Female Voice Over: We are extremely proud to work for you. In a year, you closed 400,000 transactions, Fade up shot of city of Jacksonville from the air with on screen graphics to match statistics spoken by Voice Over. Female Voice Over: totaling $114 Billion dollars in sales. Dissolve to shot of planet Earth from space. Images of the flags of several countries dissolve up on screen to match the Voice Over. Female Voice Over: We helped you reach 24.2 billion in INTERNATIONAL sales from Brazil, Venezuela, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Canada and beyond. Dissolve up graphic image of the shape of the State of Florida with on screen graphics to match the statistics spoken by the Voice Over. Female Voice Over: Florida Realtors is the second largest state, real estate association in the nation and the largest professional association in Florida. Here’s just SOME of what we do for YOU. Dissolve up montage images of a customer service representative smiling on the phone while speaking with a Florida Realtors member, close up shot of his hands typing, dissolve to shot of call center statistics screen. On screen graphics dissolve up to match the statistics spoken by Voice Over. Female Voice Over: Our Tech Helpline analysts serve 180,000 Realtors in Florida . . . and nearly 600,000 Realtors in 80 associations across the U.S. and Canada. Dissolve up animated graphics of smart phones, tablets, computers, printers, digital cameras, monitors and scanners. Female Voice Over: We help with smart phones, tablets, computers, printers, digital cameras, monitors and scanners. Dissolve up animated graphics of Form Simplicity logo and on screen graphics that match the statistics spoken by the Voice Over. Female Voice Over: Form Simplicity serves more than 200,000 Realtors throughout the U.S. each year, who log in nearly 7 MILLION times, and create 1.6 million transactions. Dissolve up a montage of shots of Florida Realtors Members attending Education session workshops at the annual convention lead by industry leading speakers. Female Voice Over: 25,000 Realtors a year take advantage of education opportunities from Florida Realtors. Dissolve to montage of shots of a young man in a graduation cap and gown receiving a diploma. Dissolve up GRI logo over shots. Dissolve up graphic to match statistics spoken by Voice Over. Female Voice Over: Earn your Graduate Realtor Institute designation. On average, GRI graduates take home an extra $27,000 a year. Dissolve up montage of images of Florida Realtors members visiting various display booths available at Florida Realtors Trade Show during Convention. Dissolve up graphics to match statistics spoken by Voice Over. Female Voice Over: 200+ Trade Expo exhibitors. 30+ Ed Sessions. Learn more. Earn more. At the convention. Cut to screen shot of Florida web page for its video library and home for video content. Dissolve up graphics to match statistics spoken by Voice Over. Female Voice Over: PLUS, we offer 150 educational videos BY Realtors, FOR Realtors. Cut to sped up shot of Florida Realtors Lobbyists exiting their Tallahassee office building and walking 2 blocks to the Florida Capitol building. Dissolve up graphics to match statistics spoken by Voice Over. Female Voice Over: Our lobbyists are just two blocks from the capitol. Meeting regularly with Legislators. Fighting for private property rights. Fighting for you. Dissolve up montage shots of: Legislative Talking Points Printed Brochure developed for Great American Realtor days, displayed on a table inside a video studio. Shots from back of audience of live Great American Realtor Days Legislative Briefing event. Female Voice Over: We brief you on key issues. Professionally package the message. You share it with legislators. Dissolve up graphic of legislative victories at the state and national level in a top to bottom timeline. Included is the Florida Realtors PAC logo. Female Voice Over: You invest in the PAC. Great things get done. For Realtors. For property owners in Florida. Year after year. Cut to a 9-box shot showing the opening moments of Florida Realtors Market Update Videos with Brad OConnor. Dissolve on top of 9-box a sped up montage charts and graphics produced by Florida Realtors Research and Statistics Department. Female Voice Over: WE provide the data. YOU become your market’s expert. Get the latest market stats for your metro area, county, city or zip code. Dissolve to video shots that illustrate Florida Realtors Attorney and Legal department staff working legal calls with members. Close up of one of their computer monitor screens. Dissolve up graphics to match statistics spoken by Voice Over. Female Voice Over: Call our lawyers for FREE legal advice. Members call 60,000 times a year. At $200 an hour, that’s 12 MILLION dollars in legal services . . . FREE to you . . . from Florida Realtors. Cut to motion graphic of several retail and business partner logos with the special offers they grant to members of Florida Realtors. Female Voice Over: Save thousands on essential products through our Rewards Programs. Cut to montage of images of member of Florida Realtors Communications Department reviewing an issue of Florida Realtor magazine in production. Female Voice Over: Writers, art directors, advertising execs, video producers and web designers deliver… Dissolve up panning shot of several trophies and awards won my Florida Realtor magazine. Dissolve up a representative image of one cover of Florida Realtor magazine. Female Voice Over: … the award-winning Florida Realtor magazine. Dissolve up graphics of the inbox of a generic email program and then dissolve up an image of Florida Realtor news as it would open on a computer screen Female Voice Over: … the most-read Florida Realtors News. Dissolve up an image of Florida homepage. Female Voice Over: … and, for… Dissolve up graphics to match categories spoken by Voice Over. Female Voice Over: … tools and support, news and events, legal insights, up-to-the-minute legislative information, education opportunities to help you grow, research and statistics to make you your market’s expert and a video library on all things real estate. It’s all here . . . Cut to image of Margy Grant in video studio. Margy Grant: … and it’s all for YOU. On behalf of the staff in Orlando and Tallahassee we’re proud to say . . . Dissolve to image from far above several staff members of Florida Realtors standing in an arrangement shaped like the letter “R” from the National Association of Realtors logo. Dissolve up the work realtor as a graphic. Margy Grant and ENTIRE GROUP: . . . your success is our business. (GROUP CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)