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The 7 Types of Clients Every Realtor Will Encounter

Avoid "uh-oh" moments by knowing beforehand what type of personality you're working with — and how to seal the deal.

If you’ve been in real estate long enough, you’ve probably experienced every personality type out there. The seller that wants every detail down to the date each light switch was installed. The buyer that ends up being your best friend. I’ve learned that buyers and sellers have personal preferences for how they like to buy or sell, along with a variety of business or emotional reasons behind them.

Photo of Kaylee Pham
Kaylee Pham

Early in my real estate career, I lost out on potential clients because I couldn’t recognize fast enough how to tailor my communication and message individually. I categorized my prospects into a general group and delivered the same information to all. No wonder I felt defeated at the time.

Having effective people skills is a vital part of the real estate service industry. It takes time and a few uncomfortable situations to fine tune these skills.

You will encounter mistakes and embarrassing moments when you’ll think, “Oh no, I wish I hadn’t said that—or done that” but that’s OK. These “uh-oh” moments help you to become even better at what you do. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Here are some of the client personas I’ve discovered over the years. By identifying each customer’s persona, you can plan and deliver your best service based on their style and criteria. You’ll be surprised at how many more sales you’ll win and relationships you’ll gain.

1. Driver

You’ll recognize this type of customer within the first couple of hours spent with them. They are results-driven, come across as a bit pushy, know what they want and demand that things to go their way. They’re not afraid of conflict and are comfortable with being confrontational.

Strategy: This type of client will settle down when they see your willingness to take on challenges (just like them) and strive for the desired results.

2. Collaborator

Collaborators are diplomatic, adaptable and sometimes blunt, but most often very respectful of those around them. What works for them is to feel informed. They like to hear your thoughts, comments and questions before deciding.

It may take a while for them to reach a decision since they operate like a committee, wanting everyone’s opinion and all the pertinent information. If they sense it’s not beneficial to those that matter to them, they’re not likely to decide any time soon.

Strategy: When working with this client, make sure you include everyone in the transaction, and you will reach a faster result.

3. Relationship

Here you’ll find a positive, team player. They are creative problem solvers, and it doesn’t take much to get them going. They want to feel as though you’re a close friend who is helping them on their real estate needs, whether it’s buying or selling.

Strategy: What they share is important, so pay close attention, and shy away from technical details. They will not decide until they feel like they’ve established a relationship with you.

4. Guardian

Another type you might discover is the Guardian. Trust me when I tell you that they’re skeptical of everything. They need to absorb the details and think everything over. They don’t express a lot of emotions by email, phone or even in person.

Strategy: Your patience, time and sincere effort will go a long way with them. You should celebrate if you get feedback from them, and once they feel their needs are met, they will move forward. Until then, they will quietly remove themselves without you ever noticing.

5. Analytical

These clients often label themselves as the thinkers. They like to read, research, dwell on rules, regulations, standards, logic and look at past successes to determine future success. This person likes to seek out as much information as possible. They look at the situation from every angle.

Strategy: If you provide adequate data to answer their questions, you’re in good shape. Otherwise, they will move on to those who can deliver the information, and they will choose that individual over you since you’re not measuring up to their standards.

6. Innovator

These creative clients can be careless or indifferent about rules, regulations, procedures or how things are typically done. They are charismatic, drawn to new ideas and solutions, and always looking for new ways to solve their problems. They always have ideas and strategies, and they like to test the possibilities or limits to see what works best for them.

Strategy: You want to be all ears with this client. Listen to their ideas and help them come up with solutions that appeal to them. Then, you’ll win them over and get on to managing the multitude of details to get the job done.

7. Combination

You may think that the types of clients listed above are well defined and clear cut. However, we can cross paths with a client who is a mixture of two personas or the partners who have two different personas. You’ll be pulling your hair out while trying to figure out how to best serve this client or couple. However, if you take time to assess the preferences and personalities, you can come up with an approach that meets all their needs.

Remember, most people don’t fit into a nice little box. Pay attention, ask questions and truly listen. The goal is for you to appreciate your clients’ styles, so you can facilitate the most effective approach, whether it’s for professional or personal gain.  #

Kaylee Pham, CIPS, is a broker with KAP Realty in Bloomington, Minnesota.