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Prioritize, Focus to Avoid False Urgencies

Avoid a false sense of urgency by taking a closer look at the important things. By leaning into those important aspects, you’ll save time and avoid burnout.

NEW YORK – To maintain strategic success in the hyper-urgent world of real estate, professionals need to reduce the pressure to act, which can lead to rushed decision making and less than stellar outcomes.

The trick is to determine the appropriate level of urgency on a case-by-case basis before, during and after a transaction.  One telltale sign that a deal is being done in haste is the use of deadlines that impose pressure to close without due diligence.

Through active listening, false urgency can be identified and addressed, making sure that client needs are at the forefront of discussions and decisions. Always focus on the most critical tasks first, these are the activities that will contribute to the success of each transaction. This can also require the use of strategic procrastination, actively postponing non-urgent tasks like administrative tasks for more time-sensitive activities, such as negotiations or client interactions.

Professionals also need to vet external requests carefully to ensure that internal processes and timelines are not compromised by outside sources and foster a culture of true urgency that responds to market shifts and addresses client concerns quickly.

Source: Inman (01/11/24) Beauchamp, Nikki

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