Legal News Archive

On Jan. 1, 2024, millions of businesses must tell the Financial Crimes Network (FinCEN) their actual owners’ names, but the U.S. House has voiced some concerns.

I helped a buyer who had an exclusive relationship with another Realtor. I wrote an offer for one of my listings but only after the buyer asked me to do so. I asked the right questions before proceeding but faced a violation charge. What did I do wrong?


Florida Realtors’ members, brokers and local association staff impacted by Hurricane Idalia can apply for financial help through the association’s Disaster Relief Fund.


What law must landlords follow? While section two of chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes has always provided state-level oversight, its importance expanded under a new law that states its rules and regulations now preempt many local regulations.


A Realtor turned down a listing because a home had a latent defect and the seller’s preferred remedy was “Don’t tell anyone.” Now someone else listed the home. Does the first Realtor honor the “do not tell” or call the listing broker with his insider info?


In the wake of hurricane destruction, many landlords, tenants and property managers aren’t sure how to proceed. Here’s what Florida law says.


The lesson for Fla. HOAs: Elect honest, reliable people to the board. Fla.’s largest HOA has spent $2.3M on lawyers after losing millions under a corrupt board of directors.
