7 Reasons Why Being a Realtor Rocks
If you're reading this, you're more than likely considering a career in real estate. You may already have your real estate license and be exploring ways to take your career to the next level.
There's more to being a Realtor than a blue 'R' pin on your lapel. There's a slew of personal and professional benefits you should consider. Here are just a few of the many reasons why to become be Realtor:
1. You get to be your own boss.
Most real estate professionals work as independent contractors. They set their own hours and decide how to manage their time and priorities, though the brokerage, firm or franchise that a real estate professional works with may be involved as well. You determine your own goals and enjoy the rewards of your hard work.
There are no limits to your earning potential — it’s all up to you.
2. The job is flexible.
Independence and the flexibility to set your own schedule, pace and hours draw many people to the real estate profession. Plus, you have options on where you work and employment choices.
A Florida real estate license is valid statewide — and you can take your skills to other states, although you may need additional training or education as state licensing requirements vary.
Realtors may work for a family-run business, a regional company, a national franchise or operate their own office as a broker, though the latter has additional licensing requirements.
3. It's everchanging and new.
Don’t like to do the exact same thing, day in and day out? You won’t have that problem with a real estate career. Something is always changing, new trends are developing, there’s new technology to learn and every client is different.
As a Realtor, you’re constantly meeting new people, dealing with different personality types and handling different tasks.
The real estate profession also offers wide-ranging career options that fit many interests — like the buying and selling of homes, land or commercial buildings; working in property management; real estate counseling; real estate appraising; and land development, to name a few.
4. You have a built-in support system.
When you take the next step in your real estate career to become a Realtor, you’ll have three levels of a real estate organization standing beside you to help you succeed.
Your local Realtor association, your state association (Florida Realtors) and the National Association of Realtors (NAR) are your business partners, ready to support you and all of its Realtor members.
For example, as a Realtor, you have access to diverse networking opportunities, including educational meetings, conventions and special events that connect you with other real estate professionals and affiliated industry leaders at the local, state and national levels.
5. You receive access to ongoing professional development and education ...
As your state Realtor association, Florida Realtors offers professional designation programs in various real estate sectors.
Your local Realtor organization and NAR also offer a number of education courses, professional designations or certification programs, professional development workshops and other activities to boost your knowledge of best business practices, how to use new technology or other strategies to help you succeed as a real estate professional.
6. ... and to a network of benefits, resources and tools.
Realtor membership has its benefits: With Florida Realtors, you belong to a state Realtor association with over 187,000 members working to protect property rights, real estate issues and quality of life in Florida.
As a Realtor, you have access to a vast array of benefits such as professional development, networking events, communications products and services, free technology assistance from Florida Realtors Tech Helpline, free help with legal issues from the Florida Realtors Legal Hotline, as well as discounts on travel, business products, insurance and other services.
7. You'll have the satisfaction of helping people and your community.
As a Realtor, you help people during major times in their lives, from buying their first home to realizing their vacation dream home or finding the perfect location for the business they’re ready to launch.
Real estate professionals report great satisfaction in knowing they have helped people realize their dreams, achieve their goals and become part of the community.
As local market experts, Realtors establish deep connections to their communities. Many Realtors also volunteer their time and talents to give back to charities, social services and other community causes.