Legal News Archive

Plaintiffs opposing Fla.’s foreign-buyer law submitted a preliminary-injunction request to an appeals court this week after a U.S. district judge denied the request.


23.5% of LGBTQ+ renters can’t rely on family/friends for financial help compared to 14% of other buyers. They also have more student loan debt, 18.4% vs. 11.4%.


Four universities in Arizona and Texas will share funds to help assure “affordable, fair, and safe housing and homeownership opportunities” for Hispanic Americans.


HUD joined seven other agencies, saying that “Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits antisemitism, Islamophobia and related forms of discrimination.”


A diverse group of RE professionals – Asian, Hispanic, LGBTQ+ and women – say they will jointly oppose the “vocal minority” who fight against diversity.


Dear Shannon: A broker listed a property to include a rental apartment upstairs, figuring the new buyer could get the zoning changed. But it wasn’t zoned for a residential apartment when listed. Should a complaint be filed against the commercial listing broker?


When a prospective landlord and tenant decide to sign a Florida Realtors Contract to Lease (form CL-9) before the start of a lease, they should understand what that document does for them – and what it doesn’t do.
