Legal News Archive

Realtors have the ability to modify contract terms through optional clauses, riders and/or addenda. To effectively represent a vast array of clients, agents should know their list of options and how each works as part of the full contract.


Dear Shannon: A broker listed a property to include a rental apartment upstairs, figuring the new buyer could get the zoning changed. But it wasn’t zoned for a residential apartment when listed. Should a complaint be filed against the commercial listing broker?


HB 919 contains new rules that impact homeowners associations to boost transparency. SB 170 gives businesses new rights if a local ordinance impacts them.


Another large brokerage settled a lawsuit over buyer agents’ commissions, but NAR will continue the fight for “pro-competitive local MLS broker marketplaces.”


Two Fla. agencies will receive $425K each – one in C. Fla., one in the Palm Beaches – for fair housing testing and enforcement to eliminate discriminatory practices.


New laws impacting insurance lawsuits may be helping. State-run Citizens says it received 200 fewer monthly lawsuits Jan. to June than it did last year.

On Jan. 1, 2024, millions of businesses must tell the Financial Crimes Network (FinCEN) their actual owners’ names, but the U.S. House has voiced some concerns.