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The measure provides funding to curb algae blooms, which have far-reaching economic implications across the state. Red tide also causes respiratory problems and fish kills.


The median cost for a move was about $2,000, and many of the people surveyed said they didn’t budget for it. Experts say to shop around for the best prices.


Sales of newly built single-family homes rose 8.8% in March compared to Feb., and also increased 8.3% from a year earlier.


MLSs and brokerages seeking to be released under the settlement agreement must act by June 18, NAR said.


Over the years, interior home designs have reflected personal styles and events of each era. Many design trends make comebacks multiple times.


A new study shows sellers would rather leave money on the table and accept an all-cash sale than risk losing the sale completely because the mortgage falls through.


Despite the recent uptick of new construction, single-family home construction is still lagging behind the need, a new study found.
