Getting 5-Star Reviews on Your Service
From the start of a transaction, make customers aware they should expect exceptional service. Always deliver on promises.
NEW YORK — Consumers are driven by reviews, but the repeated request for a review can be overwhelming. While most real estate professionals often do not expect reviews for doing their job, they can be helpful because they reflect the value and services provided to clients.
Five-star reviews require exceptional effort. Like restaurants striving for the coveted Michelin star, real estate firms need to maintain steady, incremental improvements every week and every year.
To receive a five-star review from real estate customers, agents should set the bar high for every transaction and keep up with the latest training and education. Constant and consistent communication is key to meeting customer needs, especially when handling any unexpected issues.
When agents or brokers go the extra mile, they should communicate those efforts. From the start of a transaction, customers should expect exceptional service. Asking for a review shouldn't just come at the end of a transaction.
Building in benchmarks to the customer experience can help measure the quality of the service, such as whether you immediately respond to texts or emails.
Asking for reviews should also be accompanied with an easy way for clients to complete the request, including adding a link to a place where they can upload it from an email.
After a certain period, follow-up with clients about whether they like their new home or where they appreciated the agent's help during the transaction. These questions can get them in the right mindset to write a review. Always send thank you notes to demonstrate an appreciation for the client's business.
Source: Inman (11/15/24) Medford, Carl
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