HUD: $14M for Homeless Aid Post Florida Storms
Funding will help provide shelter to people displaced by Hurricane Helene and Milton, and support those experiencing homelessness with stable housing options.
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has earmarked $14.1 million to support people experiencing homelessness in Florida communities impacted by Hurricane Helene and Milton.
The Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing (RUSH) funding will be allocated to the State of Florida and 16 jurisdictions to address needs not otherwise served or fully met by existing federal disaster relief programs. This latest action highlights the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to prioritizing lifesaving actions, helping ensure that every person can access safe, stable housing.
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“In the aftermath of devastating events like Hurricanes Helene and Milton, HUD remains deeply committed to ensuring that families have access to shelter,” said HUD Agency Head Adrianne Todman. “This funding will help communities respond to the needs of those experiencing homelessness in impacted areas.”
While the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the American Red Cross and local community members have stepped up to assist survivors, the severity of the damage and displacement experienced in Florida has exceeded local capacity and more assistance is needed. RUSH funding is intended to address the immediate unmet needs for homelessness assistance and homelessness prevention in declared disaster areas.
The eligible activities for this funding include:
- For people experiencing homelessness before the disaster: emergency shelter; rapid re-housing, which provides up to 24 months of rental assistance, financial assistance for move in costs, and supportive services; and
- For people who were at-risk of experiencing homelessness before the disaster: homelessness prevention, which provides up to 24 months of rental assistance, utility assistance, and supportive services for people at risk of homelessness; and outreach assistance, including assistance to meet urgent needs.
“This RUSH funding will fill the gaps in federal assistance, reaching the most vulnerable people,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Marion McFadden for Community Planning and Development. “HUD remains committed to strengthening our support for disaster impacted communities.”
RUSH funding provides rapid assistance under the Emergency Solutions Grant program for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in eligible declared disaster areas where FEMA has activated Transitional Sheltering Assistance. This funding is available to help communities provide outreach, emergency shelter, rapid re-housing, homelessness prevention assistance and supportive services.
Source: HUD
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