7 Tips for a Successful Water Cleanup Event
Keep Florida Beautiful has mastered the art of organizing cleanup efforts, and the organization offers these 7 tips to make sure your Florida Realtors® Clean Up Florida Waters event is also a success:
1. Select a cleanup date & location
Pick a time and location in advance to make sure the location is available and there is ample time to promote your cleanup. If you are interested in cleaning a public space, you will need to connect with your local government for approval.
2. Choose a cleanup coordinator
Having someone in charge will help with organization and ensure the event runs smoothly. The coordinator can designate tasks so responsibilities are shared and all tasks are completed from start to finish of the event.
3. Advertise your event
Share a flyer, email and/or social media posts to encourage community members to join your cleanup event. Make sure to provide relevant details including date, time, location & host contact information.
4. Arrange trash disposal
If you anticipate a significant amount of trash will be collected, contact your local solid waste department ahead of time for disposal assistance. (Always remember to be safe and air on the side of caution. If you come across any hazardous waste during the cleanup, (dead animals, needles, sharp broken glass, etc.) contact your local authorities for assistance in removal.)
5. Gather supplies
Plan ahead for the supplies needed for your event. Depending on the type of cleanup, you might need trash pickers, trash bags, buckets, gloves, tables, sunscreen etc. If you plan to have any food or drinks, don’t forget a cooler or a refillable water jug.
6. Have fun!
Take lots of photos and enjoy the time you spend with your peers, family and friends making a difference in the community. Every litter piece counts!
If you need guidance for your event, contact your local Keep Florida Beautiful affiliate. You can find yours by clicking here.