FREC Considers ‘Multiple Brokers Licenses’ Requirements
The Florida Real Estate Commission took the first steps to create a new rule by offering preliminary, rough-draft language and opening the rule for development.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – At the Florida Real Estate Commission’s (FREC) July 26 meeting, the commissioners considered preliminary language to create standards for issuing multiple brokers licenses pursuant to section 475.215, F.S.
After discussing the issue and focusing on some potential language, the commissioners voted to open a rule proposal for development. They’re now expected to advance the discussion at their upcoming meeting on Aug. 23 at 8:30 a.m., 400 West Robinson St., N801, Orlando, FL 32801.
The rule isn’t finalized and the preliminary language could change. At this point, FREC is encouraging interested Realtors to attend this month’s meeting or submit comments, which may be emailed to Giovanna.Corona@myfloridalicense.com or addressed to:
Giovanna Corona, executive director of FREC
400 West Robinson St. N801
Orlando, FL 32801
The Division of Real Estate receives a lot of broker requests for multiple licenses each month, and some of those brokers already hold numerous broker licenses.
FREC’s “initial language for discussion”
Implementation of 475.215, Requests for MBLs
Potential New Rule 61J2-2.100, Florida Administrative Code
August 2023
Rule 61J2-2.100 Application for Multiple Brokers Licenses
(1)(a) Pursuant to section 475.215(1), FS, the Commission may only issue additional licenses to a licensed broker when the licensed broker’s request for multiple licenses clearly shows that the additional licenses are necessary to the conduct of real estate brokerage business and that the additional licenses will not be used in a manner harmful or prejudicial to any person. In order to make the above determination, a broker requesting additional licenses must:
- Describe the supervisory structure of the real estate brokerage business;
- Describe the legal and financial responsibilities for the real estate brokerage business;
- Explain in detail why the additional license(s) is necessary for the conduct of the broker’s real estate brokerage business;
- Affirmatively acknowledge that the requested additional license(s) are necessary to the conduct of requestor’s real estate brokerage business, that the additional licenses will not be used in a manner likely to be prejudicial or harmful to any person, and that the requesting broker will adequately supervise each business.
(b) The above acknowledgements shall include language that, if the requestor provides any false or misleading information, the requestor is subject to discipline pursuant to sections 455.227(1)(h) and 475.25(1)(m), F.S., with a possible penalty of revocation of any and all professional licenses held by the requestor.
- A request for multiple or additional licenses shall not be approved for any broker who has prior discipline or is subject to pending disciplinary proceedings against any professional license held by the requesting broker shall be presented to the Commission for review and approval.
Rulemaking Authority: Section 475.05, F.S. Law Implemented: Section 475.215(1), F.S. History New xx-yy-23
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