Facebook Boost Pushes Info to More Users
A Facebook post boost is like an advertisement that not’s strictly an ad. Paying extra will push a listing, for example, out to a much wider audience.
NEW YORK – Real estate agents can use Facebook Boost to “push” postings to audiences outside their current page followers. To do this, agents simply click on their Facebook page and the button to boost a post. They then select their target audience, which currently comes in three choices.
How far out will a boost go? It depends on how much agents opt to pay, and they can select the minimum or maximum amount they’re willing to spend on the post. The bigger the budget the greater the outreach.
Agents also have other choices to make, including how long the promotion lasts and when they want Facebook to stop showing posts.
Boosts are not necessarily ads; they’re a tool to increase awareness of a brand.
Operationally, agents shouldn’t boost all posts, in part because they must clear Facebook’s review process. They should boost posts with links included to attract more clicks.
The option’s cost effectiveness stems from how agents use their boosts, rather than from the option itself.
Source: Realty Biz News (03/31/2021) Shepardson, Ben
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